ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Assyrian Genocide

Okay kiddo, a long time ago in a place called Assyria (now part of Iraq), there were people who lived there called Assyrians. They had their own language, culture, and religion, and were very proud of it.

Unfortunately, some mean people called the Ottoman Empire came and took over their land. The Ottoman Empire didn't like the Assyrians and other groups who were different from them, so they started doing really bad things to them. This is called a genocide, which means when a big group of people try to kill or hurt a whole bunch of another group of people just because they are different.

During the Assyrian Genocide, the Ottoman Empire did a lot of bad things to the Assyrians. They made them leave their homes, took away their food and water, and made them walk a really long way. Many people got sick, and some even died. The Ottoman Empire also attacked them with weapons and killed many, many people.

It's really sad, but we need to remember what happened during this time so that we can try to stop it from happening again. We can also honor those who were affected by it and make sure their stories are told.