ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Atomic Age (comics)

So, you know how everything is made up of teeny, tiny things called atoms? Well, a long time ago, scientists figured out how to split these atoms and create something called atomic energy. This was a big deal because it could create a lot of power to run things like cars and lights.

People were really excited about this new atomic energy and thought it was going to change the world. They even started making movies and comic books about superheroes who had powers from atomic energy. These comics were called Atomic Age comics.

In the stories, the superheroes would get their powers from things like atomic bombs or radiation accidents. They could do things like fly, shoot laser beams from their eyes, and had superhuman strength. They were supposed to be really cool and powerful.

But some people started to worry that atomic energy was actually really dangerous. If the atoms were split in the wrong way, it could cause a huge explosion called a nuclear bomb. People were scared that these bombs could destroy entire cities.

So, even though the comics were fun to read, they also made people think about the risks of atomic energy. It was a time of excitement and fear all at once.