An atomic sentence is just like a toy block. It's a basic building block that we use to make bigger things. But instead of building towers or castles, we use atomic sentences to build bigger sentences that help us talk about the world around us.
An atomic sentence is simple and can't be broken down into smaller parts. It's like a single Lego block that you can't take apart anymore. Just like how you can't break a banana into smaller parts, you can't break an atomic sentence into smaller pieces.
For example, "I am sitting" is an atomic sentence. We can't break it down into smaller parts. It's just one idea - that someone is sitting. But we can use this sentence to make bigger sentences, like "I am sitting on a chair" or "I am sitting next to my friend".
Atomic sentences are really important because they help us communicate with each other. Just like how you need a bunch of Lego blocks to build a cool spaceship, you need a bunch of atomic sentences to communicate complex ideas.