ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Atonement in Judaism

Atonement in Judaism means saying sorry when you do something wrong and trying to make things right again. When we do something wrong, like hurting someone's feelings or breaking a promise, it's important to say sorry and ask for forgiveness. Sometimes just saying sorry isn't enough though; we might also need to make things right by doing something to make up for what we did. Atonement is about taking responsibility for our actions and doing everything we can to make it right again. In Judaism, there are certain rituals and traditions that are followed to help people atone for their sins during Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. These include fasting, saying special prayers, and giving to charity. It's important to remember that we all make mistakes, but by saying sorry and doing what we can to make things right, we can learn and grow from our mistakes.