ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay, so Attalia is actually a place, kind of like a city or town, that used to exist a long, long time ago in what is now modern-day Turkey. It was a really important place because it was located on the coast, which means it had access to the sea and could trade with other places far away. Attalia was also known for being a really wealthy and powerful place with lots of cool buildings and things to see.

But why do we talk about Attalia now, even though it doesn't exist anymore? Well, sometimes people like to study history and learn about places that used to be important. And even though Attalia doesn't exist anymore, there are still some ruins and artifacts left over that give us clues about what it was like back then.

Think of it like when you play with Lego blocks and build a cool tower, but then take it apart later. Even though the tower isn't there anymore, you can still remember what it looked like and how much fun you had building it. That's kind of what it's like to learn about Attalia - it may be gone now, but it was once a really special place that people are still interested in.