ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Audax (cycling)

Audax cycling is like going on a bike adventure with your friends. You ride your bike for a really long time, sometimes even a whole day or more! You stop at checkpoints to get your card stamped, like getting a sticker on your hand at school.

The most important part of audax is having fun and being safe. You need to wear a helmet, bring enough water, and pack some snacks in case you get hungry. You also need to make sure your bike is in good condition before you start, like checking the brakes and tires.

There are different distances for audax rides, like 100 km or even 1,000 km! But don't worry, you don't have to do it all by yourself. You can ride with your friends and help each other out. That's why audax is called a team sport.

At the end of the ride, you get a medal called a brevet to show that you completed the challenge. It's like winning a prize for being a good cyclist and having fun with your friends.