ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Augustus Saint-Gaudens

Augustus Saint-Gaudens was a very talented artist and sculptor who lived a long time ago. He was born in 1848 and he passed away in 1907, which is a very long time ago.

Augustus Saint-Gaudens loved art, and he was especially talented in making sculptures. This means that he would take a big block of stone or a hard material like metal, and he would use special tools to shape it into whatever he wanted it to be. He made a lot of really beautiful sculptures, and people still talk about his work today.

One of the things that made Augustus Saint-Gaudens so special was that he was really good at making sculptures of people. He would make sculptures of people that were so lifelike, it was almost like they were real people standing right in front of you! He made sculptures of famous people like Abraham Lincoln and General Sherman, and he also made sculptures of regular people like babies and families.

Augustus Saint-Gaudens also made some sculptures that were very important because they were used on money! The United States government asked him to design some very special coins, and he did a great job. The coins he made were called the $10 and $20 gold coins, and they were really beautiful. People all over the country started using these coins, and they became very famous.

Even though Augustus Saint-Gaudens lived a long time ago, people still love his artwork today. Many of his sculptures are still on display in museums, and people still talk about how talented he was. He was a very important part of art history, and people will always remember him for his amazing sculptures.