ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Auld Alliance

The Auld Alliance is a friendship between two countries, Scotland and France, that goes way back in time, kind of like a best friends forever type of deal!

Long, long ago, way before you were born, there were lots of wars happening between different countries in Europe. Scotland and France were two countries that were scared of being attacked by bigger and stronger countries like England. So, they decided to make a pact, which means they promised to be friends and help each other no matter what.

They shared a lot of things in common, like a love for music, art, and good food! Plus, they were both countries with a history of brave soldiers and great leaders. So, they decided they would help each other in battles too, like if France was fighting a big war with another country, Scotland would come to their aid, and the same the other way around!

Now, the Auld Alliance is not as important as it used to be, but Scotland and France are still very close and visit each other often. Plus, they still celebrate their friendship with special events and festivals!