ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Australian Phytochemical Survey

Alright kiddo, so the Australian Phytochemical Survey is when scientists go around Australia and collect plants, then they study them to find out what kind of chemicals are inside them.

These chemicals are called phytochemicals, which come from the Greek word "phyto" meaning plant. And these chemicals can do really amazing things for our health, like help prevent diseases like cancer and heart disease.

The scientists then use special tools to figure out what kind of phytochemicals are in each plant. It's kinda like a treasure hunt for the scientists, trying to find out what kind of good stuff these plants can give us.

Once they figure out what each plant has in it, they can use that information to make better medicines, supplements, and even foods that are healthier for us to eat.

So basically, the Australian Phytochemical Survey is a fancy way for scientists to find out what kind of cool things might be hiding in the plants that grow in Australia.