ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Australian electoral system

In Australia, we have something called an electoral system. This is a way to decide who gets to make decisions for the whole country.

Now, imagine you have a big group of friends and you all want to decide where to go on a picnic. But instead of just saying "let's go to the park" or "let's go to the beach," you all need to vote on it. This means each person gets to choose what they think is the best option and then you count up all the votes to see which one had the most people who wanted it.

It's kind of like that with elections in Australia. We have different groups of people called political parties, and they're like groups of friends who have different ideas about how the country should be run. Some parties might want to focus on the environment, while others might want to focus on education or health care.

Before the election, people who want to vote need to register. This is like putting your name on a guest list for the party. Then, on election day, you go to a special place called a polling station where there will be people who are there to help you vote. They'll give you a list of all the parties and their leaders and you get to choose which one you want to vote for.

Once everyone has voted, the people in charge will count up all the votes to see which party has the most people who want it. That party will then be in charge of making decisions for the country until the next election when everyone gets to vote again.

So, the Australian electoral system is like a big game of choosing who is going to be the leader of the country by counting up the votes from all the people who wanted to be involved.