ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Australian poetry

Okay kiddo, let's learn about Australian poetry! Poetry is kind of like a song but without music. It's when people write words in a way that sounds really nice, and sometimes they even rhyme!

Now, Australia's poetry is special because it's written by people who live in Australia and talk about things that happen there. They might write about the animals that live in Australia, like kangaroos and koalas. Or they might write about the beautiful landscapes, like the beaches and deserts.

Some famous Australian poets are Banjo Paterson and Henry Lawson. They wrote about the outback and the people who lived there a long time ago. Their poems are still read and loved today!

People in Australia still write poetry today too. They might write about things like the cities, or about life in today's world. It's really cool how people can use words to create something so beautiful and meaningful!