ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Ok kiddo, so australo-melanesian is a big word that talks about two groups of people who live in different parts of the world, mainly Australia and the Pacific islands.

The australo part refers to the people who live in Australia and their ancestors who have lived there for a really, really long time. They have their own unique culture, traditions, and languages that are different from other parts of the world.

The melanesian part refers to the people who live in the islands of the Pacific Ocean, like Papua New Guinea, Fiji, and Vanuatu. They also have their own distinct culture, traditions, and languages that are different from the rest of the world.

So, when we say australo-melanesian, we're talking about these two different groups of people who have their own unique identities and ways of life. And even though they live in different parts of the world, they share some similarities and have influenced each other's cultures over time.