ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Authorship of the Bible

The Bible is a very important document that people follow as a guide to living a good life. It's like a very long book with lots of stories and teachings. But the thing is, the Bible wasn't written by just one person. It was written by many different people over many years.

Think of it like a big puzzle. Each piece is written by a different person and it all comes together to make the Bible. These people who wrote the Bible are called "authors". Some parts were written by Moses, who lived a long time ago. Other parts were written by people called prophets. And other parts were written by people who were followers of Jesus.

So, even though the Bible has many different authors, people consider it to be one big story. It's like a big family tree, with many branches and leaves. Each part of the Bible has something important to say and helps us learn more about how to be good people.