ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Auto reignition

Auto reignition is like having a magical lighter that can light a fire all by itself. When we turn off a gas stove or a furnace, the fire goes out because there is no more gas to burn. But sometimes, if there is still some gas left over, the fire can start again all by itself without anyone lighting it. Just like a magic trick, it just happens!

A special part called a flame sensor is what does the magic. It can sense if the fire has gone out or not. If it detects that the fire is out but there is still gas being released, it tells the stove or furnace to turn back on and light the fire again. This keeps happening until all the gas is used up or somebody turns off the stove or furnace.

Auto reignition is very useful because it means that we don't have to keep checking if the fire is still burning or not. It helps to keep our homes warm and our food cooking properly without any interruptions. So, just like magic, auto reignition helps things run smoothly and efficiently!