ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Autocompletion is like having a helper who finishes your words before you do. You know how sometimes you start typing a word but you don't want to type the whole thing because it's too long or too difficult to spell? Well, autocompletion solves that problem for you.

When you start typing a word, let's say "bana," your computer or phone will predict what word you might be trying to spell based on its own memory of what you've typed before or what it thinks you might be trying to say. In this case, it will probably suggest "banana."

Then, instead of typing out "banana" yourself, you can just hit a button, and the suggested word will be automatically completed for you. This saves you time and effort, especially when you're typing a long sentence or a complex word.

Autocompletion is used in many places, like search engines, messaging apps, and even text editors. It's a handy tool that helps you write faster and more accurately, so you can focus on what you want to say instead of how to say it.