ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Incremental search

Okay kiddo, have you ever tried to find something on a really long webpage or document and wished you had a magic power to make it easier? Well, that's where incremental search comes in!

Incremental search is a super cool feature that helps you find things on your computer, phone, or tablet really quickly by letting you search as you type, instead of having to type in the whole word or phrase all at once.

Think of it like playing a guessing game with your computer. You start typing in a word or phrase you're looking for, and the computer quickly guesses (or predicts) what you're trying to search for based on what you've typed so far. Then, it shows you all the results that match what you've typed so far, narrowing the search as you type more, just like you'd cover more ground in the guessing game as you received clues.

So, for example, if you typed in the letter ‘C’, the search engine will bring up all the names starting with ‘C’ in the document. If you add another letter, say ‘A’ it will narrow down the search further and come up with all the names starting with ‘CA’. You keep adding letters until you see the name you're looking for.

This means you don't have to type everything out perfectly, you can just type a little bit and the computer will take care of the rest, which is a lot faster and easier than typing out a whole long search query.

That's incremental search, my little friend. It's like having a really smart computer that can read your mind and help you find things faster than you ever could before!