ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Automated cash handling

Automated cash handling is when a machine helps people count and sort money. Imagine you have a piggy bank full of coins and you want to know how much money you have. You can go to a machine that will take all your coins and count them for you. That's like a big piggy bank that can count all the coins for you!

But it's not just counting that the machines can do. They can also sort the coins by type, like pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters. So you don't have to do it all by yourself. The machine can do the work for you!

Another thing that the machine can do is accept, validate and dispense money. For example, you need to pay for something at a grocery store. You can give the machine a dollar bill and it will accept and validate it. Then, you can receive the correct change in coins or more bills. That means you don't have to worry about giving or receiving wrong change. The machine does it all for you!

Automated cash handling can be useful for businesses and banks too. They can use the machines to quickly and accurately count large amounts of money. This saves a lot of time and effort for the people who work at these places. It also reduces the risk of human error or theft.

Overall, automated cash handling helps us count, sort, accept, validate, and dispense money quickly and accurately. It's like having a helpful piggy bank that can do all the work for you!