ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Automotive battery

An automotive battery is like a piggy bank for your car. It stores energy so your car can start and run all the things in the car like the lights and radio. But instead of putting coins in your car's piggy bank, it stores electricity in a special way.

The way it works is by having two different materials, one is called the positive plate and the other the negative plate. Think of these like two types of magnets that like to stick together. But normally they can't, because there's a separator in between them. However, if something connects the two sides, like wires, then the positive and negative plates will start making electricity.

Then, when you turn your car on, the battery releases that stored energy to the starter. The starter is like the car's alarm clock, it wakes up everything else in the car so that it can start moving. When the starter gets the energy from the battery, it makes a little motor run that gets everything else moving.

If that energy runs out, the car will stop working. But don't worry, you can recharge the battery by driving around or using a special tool that plugs into the battery and fills it back up with energy. Just like when you put money back into the piggy bank after buying something you wanted.