ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Lead–acid battery

Okay kiddo, imagine you have a car that needs to run on something called electricity. But you can't just plug it in and charge it up like you do your tablet. That's where the lead-acid battery comes in.

A lead-acid battery is like a box with a bunch of tiny little rooms inside. Each room has a special mixture of liquid and metal plates made of lead and lead oxide. When you hook the battery up to your car, the electricity flows through those rooms and causes a reaction that makes the battery produce more electricity for your car to use.

But over time, the mixture in those little rooms can get all messed up and not work as well. That's when the battery starts to die and you might need to get a new one.

It's important to take good care of your lead-acid battery by keeping it clean and making sure it's hooked up correctly to your car. If you do that, it can keep your car running smoothly and get you where you need to go.