ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Automotive industry in Spain

The automotive industry in Spain is like a giant factory that makes cars and trucks. Just like how you put together a puzzle, different companies work together to make these vehicles.

First, engineers come up with ideas and designs for how the vehicle will look and how it will work. Then, other people make the parts for the vehicle. These parts are like ingredients for a cake, they need to be put together in a certain way to make the finished product.

Once the parts are made, they are sent to a factory where workers put them all together. Just like how you might have played with building blocks, these workers use special machines to build the car or truck.

Once the vehicle is all put together, it needs to be tested to make sure it works properly. It's like when you practice riding your bike to make sure everything works before going for a ride.

After the vehicle is tested, it's ready to be shipped out to be sold to other countries or used by people in Spain. This helps to create jobs and helps companies make money.

Overall, the automotive industry in Spain is like a big team of people working together to make sure everyone has a way to get around.