ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Autonomous Republic of Northern Epirus

Okay, imagine you have a big family and you all live in a big house together. But sometimes, some members of the family don't agree with other members, and they want to do things differently.

Well, that's kind of like what happened with Greece a long time ago. There was a part of Greece called Northern Epirus, and some of the people who lived there wanted to be in charge of their own things instead of being told what to do by the people who were in charge of Greece.

So, in 1914, they declared themselves an Autonomous Republic. That means they were kind of like a mini-country within Greece. They had their own government and leaders, but they still belonged to Greece.

But this didn't last very long. A few years later, a big war broke out, and things got really complicated. Eventually, Greece took back control of Northern Epirus, and the Autonomous Republic was no more.

But for a little while, the people of Northern Epirus got to make some of their own decisions and take care of their own needs, which was pretty cool.