ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Autonomous oblast

Okay kiddo, an autonomous oblast is a place where people who live there get to make some of their own rules and decisions instead of the government making all the decisions for them.

Think of it like your room - your parents make all the rules and decisions about what goes in your room and when you clean it. But an autonomous oblast is like a room where you get to make some of the rules yourself, like what toys you want to keep out and how you want to keep them organized.

In an autonomous oblast, people who live there may have a different culture or language than other places nearby, so they get to make rules and decisions that fit their unique needs. But they still have to follow some important rules, just like you have to follow your parents' rules about being safe and kind.

So an autonomous oblast is a place where people who live there get to have some independence and have a say in how their community is run.