ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Autotype (printing)

Autotype is a special way of printing letters and words on paper or other surfaces. It's like using a special machine that can type for you!

When you have something you want to print, like a letter or a picture, you can use autotype to quickly and easily make copies of it. Autotype machines have a keyboard, just like a computer or a typewriter, but instead of using your fingers to press the keys, the machine does it for you.

Imagine the machine as a robot friend that can type exactly what you tell it to. You can choose the letters and words you want to print by pressing the keys on the machine's keyboard. When you press a key, the machine quickly moves and presses an inked cushion or pad with a special letter on it onto the paper. It's like a stamp!

The ink-covered pad leaves an impression of the letter on the paper, and when you press multiple keys to form words or sentences, you can create a whole message. These machines are quite smart and can remember which keys you press and in what order, so they can type the correct words and sentences.

The autotype machine can print many copies of the same message. Once you finish typing your words, you can keep turning a handle, and that will make the machine print your message over and over again. Imagine turning a big wheel, like the ones on a bicycle!

The ink that is used in autotype machines comes in different colors. Imagine it like having a box full of colored markers. Each marker has a different color, and you can choose which one to use. So, if you want your words to be red, you can change the inked pad to the red one. And if you want your words to be blue or green, you can change it to those colors too!

Autotype machines are very useful when you need many copies of something. They can make lots of copies quickly and neatly, so it saves a lot of time and makes things easier. They were used a lot in the past, before computers and printers became so popular. Now, with computers and printers, we can do similar things, but autotype machines are still very interesting and cool!