ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Avangard (hypersonic glide vehicle)

Okay, so imagine you're playing a game of catch with a friend, but instead of throwing a regular ball, you have a really special ball that can go super, super fast. We call this ball the Avangard.

But there's a twist. When you throw the Avangard, it doesn't just go straight to your friend like a regular ball would. Instead, it kind of flies up high into the sky and then comes back down towards your friend, almost like it's gliding through the air. This is called "gliding vehicle," because it moves through the air without an engine.

But not only does the Avangard glide, it also goes really, really fast. Like faster than any other ball you've ever thrown before. We call this "hypersonic," which means it goes at least 5 times faster than the speed of sound.

The Avangard is really cool because it can travel really far and really fast, and it's also really hard to track. That means if someone wanted to use the Avangard to attack something or someone, it would be really hard to stop it or defend against it.

So that's the Avangard: a super special ball that glides through the air really fast and is really hard to catch or defend against.