ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Silbervogel is a very cool aircraft that was designed a long time ago. It was supposed to be a rocket-powered plane that could fly really, really high up into the sky and even reach space! The reason it's called Silbervogel is because that means "silver bird" in German, and it was going to be painted silver.

So imagine a really fast rocket with wings that looks like a bird, and that's what Silbervogel would have been! People thought it could go super fast and reach all the way to space, which was a really big deal back then. It was designed during a time when people were trying to figure out how to explore space and travel to other planets.

Unfortunately, Silbervogel never actually got built. But it's still really interesting to think about and imagine what it could have been like if it had!