ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Ok kiddo, let's start with a story. Do you know how magnets work? If you put two magnets together, they will either stick together or push each other away. Some magnets are stronger than others, and they can stick together more tightly. That's kind of like what avidity means.

In our body, we have something called antibodies. They are like tiny little soldiers that help us fight off bad things like viruses and bacteria that can make us sick. When an antibody finds a bad thing, it sticks to it like a magnet. But just like magnets, some antibodies are stronger than others, and they can stick to the bad thing more tightly. This is called avidity.

So if an antibody has high avidity, it means it can stick to the bad thing really well and help our body fight it off better. It's like having really strong soldiers that can defeat the enemy more easily! Scientists can study avidity to see how well our antibodies are working and if we need help fighting off a particular bad thing.

So that's what avidity means, it's like the strength of the bond between an antibody and a bad thing like a virus or bacteria. Pretty cool, huh?