ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Avijjā is a big, confusing word that comes from a language called Pali, which is used in some religions like Buddhism. It is usually translated as "ignorance" or "not knowing."

Let's imagine that you are a little girl who loves to play outside and explore new things. One day you decide to go for a walk in the forest. As you walk along the path, you notice some beautiful flowers on the ground. But you don't know what kind of flowers they are, so you just admire them without understanding.

This is like avijjā, because it means you are unaware or uninformed about something. In this case, you don't know what kind of flowers they are.

In Buddhism, avijjā is often used to describe a lack of understanding about the true nature of reality. It can cause people to suffer because they are unable to see things clearly or make wise decisions.

For example, imagine that you are crossing a street and you don't look both ways before crossing. This is like avijjā because you are not aware of the danger and you might get hit by a car.

By learning more about the world and becoming more aware of our surroundings, we can reduce our avijjā and live happier, safer lives.