ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Axis leaders of World War II

During World War II, there were three main leaders who were in charge of different countries that were fighting against each other. They were called the Axis powers and were led by Adolf Hitler of Germany, Benito Mussolini of Italy, and Emperor Hirohito of Japan.

Adolf Hitler was the leader of Nazi Germany. His plan was to conquer Europe and make it a place only for people he thought were "superior." He wasn't a nice person and did many bad things, including killing millions of people in concentration camps.

Benito Mussolini was the leader of Italy, he was known as "Il Duce," which means "The Leader." Mussolini wanted to expand the Italian empire and conquer big parts of Europe and Africa. He aligned himself with Hitler and the Nazi party and supported their ideas.

Emperor Hirohito was the leader of Japan. The country was growing and its leaders wanted to expand their territory and acquire more resources. Japan attacked other countries in Asia and the Pacific, such as China and the United States, which led to their involvement in World War II.

Together, these three leaders formed the Axis powers, which were the enemies of the Allies (United States, Great Britain, and Soviet Union) during World War II. However, their plans were not successful, and they were eventually defeated by the Allies.