ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Axis-angle representation

Have you ever played with a spinning top or a dreidel? When you spin it, it goes round and round, right? Now imagine that the top has a stick coming out of the top of it, like a little flagpole. The stick is like an axis, and as the top spins, the stick stays pointed in the same direction.

When we talk about the axis-angle representation, we're talking about using that stick (or axis) to describe how something is rotating. We use a special number, called an angle, to tell us how much something is rotating.

Let's say we have a toy car that can spin around. We could use the axis-angle representation to describe how much it's spinning. We'd choose an axis (like the stick on the top), and then we'd measure how much the toy car is turning around that axis.

For example, if we chose the axis to be the front-to-back axis of the car, we could say that the car is spinning 90 degrees clockwise around that axis. That means the car has turned so that it's facing to the right instead of straight ahead.

This might sound complicated, but scientists and engineers use the axis-angle representation all the time to describe how things are moving and changing. It's a really useful way to understand rotations in three-dimensional space!