ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ayudha Puja

Ayudha Puja is an important festival celebrated in India, usually in the month of September or October. It is a special day when people worship all the tools they use in their daily life, such as machines, equipment, vehicles, books, and other useful items.

To celebrate the festival, people clean and decorate the objects they will be worshipping, giving them a special place of honor. They thank the tools for their service and pray for their safety and longevity. In some regions, the celebration may include a special puja or prayer ceremony, followed by feasting with friends and family.

The festival has its roots in Hindu mythology, where it is believed that the gods and goddesses were armed with different weapons or tools used to protect and uphold the universe. The worship of these tools is a way of showing gratitude and seeking their blessings for a peaceful and successful life.

In summary, Ayudha Puja is a traditional Indian festival that celebrates the tools and equipment we use every day. It is a way of thanking them for their service and asking for their continued protection and good luck.