ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Azargoshnasp fire temple

Okay kiddo, so a long time ago in ancient Persia, there were some people called the Zoroastrians. They believed in a god named Ahura Mazda and they had special places where they went to pray and worship him. These places were called fire temples.

One of the most important fire temples was called the Azargoshnasp fire temple. It was built a really, REALLY long time ago, around 1,500 years ago! That's older than your great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandparents!

The Azargoshnasp fire temple was located in a place called Fars Province, in what is now modern-day Iran. People would come from all over to worship at this temple and to offer gifts and sacrifices to their god, Ahura Mazda.

The reason why the temple was called a "fire" temple is because there was a special fire burning inside of it. The Zoroastrians believed that this fire represented the light and warmth of their god, and so they kept it burning all the time, day and night. It was a really important symbol of their faith.

Today, the Azargoshnasp fire temple is a very old and ancient place. It's been damaged and destroyed over time, but people still come to visit it as a reminder of their history and their religion. And even though we might not believe the same things today, we can still appreciate the beauty and significance of this ancient site.