ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Azekah is a place that's very old and has been around for a really long time. It's in a land called Israel, which is far away from where we are.

A looong time ago, way before we were born, people lived in Azekah. They built houses and walls there. They grew crops and raised animals to eat.

Azekah was really important because it was high up on a hill and like a lookout. People could see really far and notice if an enemy army was coming.

But, sometimes people did fight in Azekah. Two armies would fight and try to take over the land and the people living there.

Archaeologists who study history like to dig around in Azekah to learn more about the people who lived there a long time ago. They find old things like coins, jars, and tools that tell us how people used to live.

So, Azekah is a special place where people used to live a long time ago, and it's an important part of history that we can learn from!