ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Béatrice Galinon-Mélénec

Béatrice Galinon-Mélénec is a smart lady who likes to study how our brains work. She is a professor who teaches people about the brain in a very special place called a university, where lots of people go to learn new things.

She likes to study how our brains remember things and how we can stop them from forgetting. You know how sometimes you forget where you put your toys or your favorite book? Béatrice Galinon-Mélénec wants to figure out how our brains can remember those things better so we don't forget them.

She also likes to study how our brains handle stress. Stress is when we feel really worried or scared or nervous. She wants to know how our brains can handle stress better so we don't get too worried or scared.

Béatrice Galinon-Mélénec is a really cool lady who wants to help us understand our brains better. Maybe one day, you can be a smart brain scientist too!