Baby sign language is like using special hand signals to talk to babies. You know how you use your voice to say words like “mommy” or “ball”? Well, baby sign language lets you use your hands too!
It's a way for babies who cannot yet use words to communicate with their parents or caregivers. Babies can start using baby sign language as young as six months old, when they can start understanding and remembering simple gestures.
For example, if you want to tell your baby it's time for a nap, you can use the baby sign for sleep by taking your hands and resting them on the sides of your head. When your baby sees this sign, they learn to associate it with sleep and will start to know what you mean when you give them the sign.
The good news is, it’s not complicated! You can learn a few basic signs like eat, drink, more, all done and sleep to start with.
You can teach your baby sign language by repeating the signs each time you say a word associated with it. That way, your baby can learn to associate the gesture with the word. As your baby learns more signs, it can become an easy and helpful way for them to communicate their needs before they’ve even learned to speak!
In short, baby sign language is a way babies can communicate with their hands before they can use words, making it easier for parents and caregivers to understand what they need.