ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay, so imagine you are building a really big building, like a castle or a skyscraper. You need to make sure it's really strong and stable so it doesn't fall down. One way to do that is by using something called "bacab."

Bacab is a type of wooden post that is kind of like a really big nail. It's really strong and durable, so when you use it to secure parts of your building together, it helps make sure everything stays in place.

But bacab is more than just a strong wooden post. In some cultures, it's also believed to have special spiritual powers. People might even decorate their bacab posts with symbols or carvings that are meaningful to them.

So, to sum it up, bacab is a special type of wooden post that people use to make their buildings strong and stable, and that some people also believe has special spiritual powers.