ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Back garden

A back garden is like a play area or a playground for plants, trees, and flowers. It's a special place that is outside the back door of your house. Just like you need to play and move around, plants also need space and sunlight to grow!

To make sure plants are happy, we have to take care of them from time to time. This means watering them, feeding them with special food called fertilizer, and sometimes digging up the dirt to make it easier for the plants to grow.

Some gardens have special things like a swing, or a pool that you can splash and play in, and others might have a quiet spot to read or relax. You can also spot things that nature has put there, like birds, butterflies, and other creatures that love to come to the garden for food, shelter, and a safe place to make their home.

So a back garden is a special place where we can enjoy nature and watch things grow, and a place where we can relax and play.