ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Backup camera

A backup camera is a special camera that helps you see behind your car when you are backing up. It is like having an extra set of eyes that you can use to make sure that you don't bump into anything or run over something when you are trying to park.

When you put your car in reverse, the camera turns on and shows you a live video on a screen inside your car. This video shows you what is behind your car and helps you see if there are any obstacles in your way.

The camera is usually located at the back of your car, near the license plate, and it captures a wide-angle view of everything behind your car. This means that you can see things that might be hidden in your blind spot or that you might miss if you are only using your mirrors to back up.

Using a backup camera can help you avoid accidents and make it easier and safer to park your car in tight spaces. Many cars now come with built-in backup cameras, but you can also buy them as an aftermarket accessory if your car didn't come with one originally.