ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Automatic parking

Have you ever seen a car handle the parking all by itself? It’s called an automatic parking system. Imagine your toy cars, sometimes when you play, you like to park your cars in the right place. Let's say, a garage.

Just like you, when a car with an automatic parking system is trying to park, it has to follow certain instructions. These instructions are set in the car’s computer, just like rules you have to follow while playing with your toy cars, like not pushing other people's cars or legos on the floor.

To park, a car with an automatic parking system needs a few things: first, it needs to have sensors that detect when there is space big enough to park in. These sensors can tell the car whether it’s safe to park or not.

Once the car finds a good spot, it has to know how to turn its wheels to enter the space. This is where the computer comes in; it helps the car figure out the angle to turn the wheels and how to back up into the space. It’s kind of like you when you use your hands to help your cars find the perfect spot in your mini-garage.

As the car enters the parking space, it must be careful not to hit anything like walls, curbs, or other cars. But the automatic parking system makes sure that the car won't hit anything by using cameras and sensors to make sure the car is in the right place.

Finally, the car comes to a stop and the automatic parking system turns off. And that's it! The car is parked and the driver doesn't have to worry about it. It's like magic, but really, it's just the computer and the sensors go through all the steps to find the perfect spot for your car.