ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Backward chaining

Hi there! So, do you know how when we want to do something, we usually start from the beginning and follow each step until we get to our goal? Well, backward chaining is like doing things a little differently. Instead of starting at the beginning, we start at the end or the goal we want to achieve and work our way backwards.

Let me explain it a bit more. Let's say we want to make a sandwich. Normally, we would start with the bread, add some cheese, maybe some lettuce and then finally a slice of meat to make a sandwich. But with backward chaining, we would start with the meat and then add the lettuce, cheese and bread in reverse order. The idea is that we start with the achievement or goal that we want to accomplish and then work back from there to find the steps we need to take to achieve that goal.

In computer science, backward chaining is a technique used in artificial intelligence and expert systems. It's a way for computers to figure out the steps needed to solve a problem or achieve a goal by working backwards from the goal to the starting point. So instead of the computer following a step-by-step process, it figures out what needs to be done by working backwards from the desired outcome.

So in summary, backward chaining is like doing things in reverse order, starting with the goal and figuring out the steps needed to reach it. It's used in computer science to help computers solve problems and achieve goals efficiently.
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