ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


A baidarka is a type of kayak that was historically used by the Inuit people in Alaska. Imagine a boat that is shaped like a long, narrow banana with a hole in the middle for you to sit in. The boat is made out of wood, and it's covered in a waterproof material like seal skin.

To move the baidarka through the water, you use a paddle that has a blade at both ends. You sit in the middle of the boat and use your arms to paddle the boat forward, just like you would on a bike or scooter.

The baidarka was designed to be very lightweight and easy to maneuver, so that hunters could use it to sneak up on seals and other game. It's also very stable in rough water, which is important when you're out on the open ocean.

Today, some people still use baidarkas for traditional uses like hunting and fishing, but they're also popular with kayaking enthusiasts who enjoy the unique design and historical significance of the boat.