ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Balance lock

Okay kiddo, a balance lock is a special kind of lock that is used to keep things from tipping over. Imagine you have a big glass of water on a table, but you accidentally bump the table and the water spills everywhere. That's no fun, right?

Well, a balance lock helps keep the glass of water steady by adding some extra weight to one side of the table. This extra weight makes it harder for the table to tip over, so your glass of water stays safe and sound.

Some balance locks work by using a heavy object, like a brick or a weight, while others use springs or other mechanisms to keep everything in place. Either way, they all do the same thing - help keep things balanced and steady so they don't fall over.

So, the next time you see something wobbly or unsteady, remember that a balance lock could be just what it needs to stay upright!