ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Balance puzzle

A balance puzzle is like a game where you have to figure out which things are heavier or lighter using a scale that balances things. Imagine you have two bags of apples and you want to know which one has more apples in it. You put one bag on each side of the scale and if they are balanced, it means they have the same amount of apples. But if one side is lower, it means that bag has fewer apples.

But sometimes the objects you want to weigh aren't numbers, like apples, and you have to use logic to figure out which things are heavier or lighter. The puzzle might give you different objects with different weights, and you have to figure out which objects to put on which side of the scale to make it balance.

It's like a mystery that needs to be solved! You have to think carefully and try different combinations of objects on the scale until you find the answer. It's important to be patient and not give up, because sometimes the solution is not obvious and you have to think outside the box. The more you practice balance puzzles, the better you get at using your brain to solve problems.