ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Balkan Insight

Balkan Insight is an online newspaper that tells stories about things happening in a group of countries in Europe called the Balkans. That's like telling a story about what you did with your friends at school today. But instead of one person, the newspaper talks about many different things that are happening in the Balkans.

The Balkans is a place where many countries are close to each other, like a group of houses on a street. In this group of countries, there are different people with different cultures and traditions. Balkan Insight wants to make sure people know about these differences so we can all understand and be more accepting of each other.

It's just like how you might learn about your friends' different interests and ideas, so you can get to know them better and be good friends. Balkan Insight wants to help people be better friends with people from different countries in the Balkans.