ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Balkan jazz

Okay kiddo, have you ever heard of jazz music? It’s like music that has a lot of instruments playing together in a really cool way. And have you ever heard of the Balkans? It’s a place in Europe where a bunch of countries are all next to each other.

Well, imagine if someone took the cool jazz music and mixed it with the traditional music that people from the Balkans play. That’s what balkan jazz is! It’s like a special kind of jazz that has a bunch of different instruments and sounds mixed in.

Sometimes you might hear accordions, which are like a really cool musical instrument that you squeeze and it makes sounds. Other times you might hear someone playing a clarinet, which is kind of like a skinny horn that you blow into. And there might be drums and other instruments too!

Balkan jazz is really fun to listen to because it’s like a big party of sounds and you never know what you’re going to hear next. So, in short, balkan jazz is a really cool type of music that mixes jazz with traditional music from the Balkans!