ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Balkans Campaign (World War I)

Okay, so you know when you play a game or watch a movie and you have to take control of certain areas or territories to win? Well, countries also have to do that sometimes but instead of a game, it's a war.

In World War I, a bunch of countries were fighting each other and they wanted to take control of the Balkans, which is a region in southeastern Europe. The countries fighting in this part of the war were Austria-Hungary, Germany, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire (which is now Turkey).

But the people who lived in the Balkans didn't really want them to take control because they had their own cultures, languages, and ideas about how things should be run. So, they started fighting back against these countries.

There were a lot of battles and fighting that happened in the Balkans during World War I. Some places were taken over by the central powers (Austria-Hungary, Germany, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire), but other places were able to resist and stay under their own control.

The Balkans campaign was a complicated part of World War I because there were a lot of different groups of people and countries involved. But in the end, it showed that people can be very strong when they want to protect their homes and their ways of life.