ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ballistic missile submarine

A ballistic missile submarine is like a really big, fancy boat that can go underwater and has special missiles that can be launched from it.

The submarine is like a house that goes underwater with many rooms, like a place for people to sleep, eat and work. The missile part is like a secret room where the special missiles are kept. These missiles are very powerful and can travel very far.

The submarine has special technology that helps it sneak around underwater without being seen by other boats or planes. It's like playing hide and seek, but with a really big hiding spot that nobody can find.

The submarines are very important because they help protect countries from other countries who might want to attack them with missiles. If one country has these submarines, it makes it harder for the other country to attack, because they never know where the submarine is hiding.

So, just like how you hide your favorite toy from your brother or sister, the submarine hides from other countries, but it has really big toys that do some scary things if they need to be used.