ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Banknotes of the Australian pound

Okay kiddo, so a long time ago, in Australia, people used something called the Australian pound. It was kind of like money.

The Australian pound was made up of banknotes that were pieces of paper that had pictures and words on them. These banknotes were used to buy things or pay for things just like the money we use today.

The banknotes had different colors and pictures on them to show how much they were worth. The larger the number on the banknote, the more it was worth.

For example, the banknote with a picture of a kangaroo on it was worth 10 pounds, and one with a picture of a building on it was worth 1 pound.

People used these banknotes to trade with each other, just like we use money today. They could buy things like food, toys, or clothes, or pay for things like rent or bills.

But now, Australia doesn't use the Australian pound anymore. They use a different currency called the Australian dollar, and the banknotes have different pictures and colors on them. But some people still collect the old banknotes as a way to remember what money used to look like in Australia.