ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Banyan switch

Hey there little buddy! Are you ready for a cool lesson on banyan switches?

So, you know how when you play with your toys, sometimes you need to share them with your friends? Well, computers also need to share information with other computers sometimes. And when they do, they need a way to send that information quickly and efficiently. That's where a banyan switch comes in!

A banyan switch is like a big helper that makes sure computer information gets to where it needs to go. Imagine you have a playground full of toys (which represent computers) and you want them to share their toys (which represent information). A banyan switch works like a traffic cop to make sure each toy gets to the right kid on the playground.

Now, you might be wondering how the banyan switch decides which toy goes where. Well, it uses something called a routing algorithm. It's like a map that tells the banyan switch which direction to send each piece of information. Just like how you use a map to figure out how to get from your house to the park, the routing algorithm helps the banyan switch figure out where each piece of information needs to go.

So, that's basically what a banyan switch does. It helps computers communicate with each other by making sure their information goes where it needs to go. Pretty cool, huh?