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Baptism for the dead

Baptism for the dead is when someone is baptized in place of a person who has already died. It is a practice that is performed by members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (also known as Mormons). Mormons believe that baptism is an important part of salvation and that everyone must be baptized to enter the kingdom of heaven.

But what happens if someone dies before they have the chance to be baptized? This is where baptism for the dead comes in. Mormons believe that, under certain circumstances, a living person can be baptized on behalf of someone who has passed away. This way, the deceased person can still have the opportunity to accept or reject the baptism and the gospel message it represents.

To perform a baptism for the dead, a Mormon goes to a special building called a temple. There, they are baptized in a special baptismal font that is designed specifically for baptism for the dead. The person being baptized will say the name of the deceased person for whom they are being baptized. This is so that the baptism can be recorded and the deceased person can be properly identified.

Mormons believe that this is a way to offer salvation to those who have already passed away, and that it helps to unite families together even after death. They also believe that the deceased person can still choose whether or not to accept the baptism and that it is ultimately up to the individual to decide if they want to accept the gospel message.

It’s worth noting that not all Mormons participate in baptism for the dead. It is a voluntary practice that is reserved for members who want to participate. Additionally, Mormons only perform baptisms for their own deceased relatives or ancestors, and they do not perform baptisms for people of other faiths or other religions.