ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bar (unit)

A bar is a way to measure how much pressure there is in a thing. It's kind of like how we measure how much something weighs, but instead of weight, we're looking at how much force is being pushed onto something else.

Imagine you have a balloon that you blow up with air. The balloon has a lot of pressure inside because the air is pushing against the balloon walls really hard. We can measure how much pressure the air is putting on the inside of the balloon using a bar.

A bar is like a really strong hand pushing on something. If you have one bar of pressure, it's like having a really, really strong hand pushing on something with a force of one kilogram per square centimeter. That's a lot of force!

People use bars to measure the pressure in things like car tires or diving tanks. If the tires or the tank have too little or too much pressure, it can be dangerous. So, we use bars to make sure that everything is safe and working correctly.